Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Savior's Example

I have been studying the document, The Living Christ. In an effort to connect to it more, I went on YouTube and started to watch some of the ways that other people have shared this powerful message. During one part it states, 'He went about doing good'. Right then it hit me. That's it. That's all I have to do. All that is expected of me is to go about doing good. I just need to focus on going from one good thing to the next. That's it. It's not complicated. I've been trying to figure out how to get all of the things done that I need to and this is the solution. I know it always works when following the example of the Savior.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Making Space

"Love is making space in your life for someone else..." (What Shall We Do?, Neill F. Marriott, General Conference, April 2016) I love this! It's true. We just need to make some room in our life for someone to be and that's it. We don't need to complete a list of specific tasks or meet a set of requirements. We just need to let others into our lives.
Christ is a fabulous example of letting others be in your life. He made a habit out of this and being their for others people to let them into his. I think that's a big key to receiving help from the Savior and being more like him - we need to let Him in.

Monday, July 25, 2016

Pioneer Day

I read this article today. It's President Monson telling us about Pioneers - who they are and what it means to be a true pioneer.
I especially like these lines.

"The path of a pioneer is not easy, but we follow in the footsteps of the ultimate Pioneer—even the Savior—who went before, showing us the way to follow.
“Come, follow me,” He invited.
“I am the way, the truth, and the life,” He declared.
“Come unto me,” He called."
As usual, Christ is the perfect example. We get to choose whether we will follow Him or not. It might not be easy. It will require sacrifice. I know we can be pioneers today. We have an opportunity to build Zion. We have a chance to be the best we can be.

Sunday, April 3, 2016

A Powerful Voice.

I watched this today and thought of Christ. It's called A Powerful Voice: LDS Women Speak Out. I know He loves the women of the church. We have a work to do. I know He will help us to accomplish so many things if we'll step out of our comfort zones and put in the effort.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Follow Him

Christ asks us to follow Him. I noticed this video stated that we follow those we can trust. I asked myself if Christ is someone I can trust. I know that I can and I do. I trust Him completely. He has proven to be trustworthy. Now I just need to set aside my personal issues and faults so I can follow Him even closer.

Monday, March 14, 2016

Hallelujah Chorus

I think it's great this was put together. What a great project. I love what we're able to do with technology.


This is a new one for Easter that I watched last night. It's a new favorite.

This reminded me that I'll be able to see Layne again. I'm grateful for our Heavenly Father's plan.